Tell your Governor to commit to a transportation future that cuts pollution and inequality! 

A group of 11 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states and D.C., are just weeks away from finalizing an agreement that will create the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI), a regional transportation program that would cap emissions and invest in clean transportation solutions.

With strong commitments to equity, TCI could potentially invest $2 billion in low-income communities and communities of color in the first year, reduce carbon and pollution emissions, and fund a healthier transportation system

But, these benefits all depend on the final agreement that states are developing now. We need to ensure this agreement includes equity, complementary policies that guarantee emissions reductions, and worker protections. 

Urge your Governor to adopt a program that lowers pollution while investing in and amplifying the voices of communities who have suffered from pollution exposure and inadequate access to affordable, reliable transportation.

Our communities can't wait, the time to act is now!

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Dear Governor:

We are looking to the leadership of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states to stand boldly together for a TCI program that dramatically transforms our transportation system and directly uplifts communities who have suffered the most and benefited the least from our fossil fuel economy. 

I ask that you incorporate the following 5 policy recommendations to advance equity in the final signed MOU:

  • Protect funds for intended TCI purposes by placing them in a lockbox.
  • Dedicate significant investments toward disproportionately affected communities at a percentage that is greater than their share of the population.
  • Establish robust equity advisory bodies that are made up of a majority of representatives from disproportionately affected communities and have meaningful decision-making power.
  • Adopt a complementary policy that reduces localized emissions in fence-line communities and leads to net positive environmental and economic benefit.
  • Create good jobs by including strong workforce development and fair labor standards. 

I urge you to include these recommendations in the final MOU, which are critical to ensuring that the TCI program will not deepen inequality and will actually generate net benefits for low income communities and communities of color. 

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